• Via Giuseppe De Nava, 40/B 89123 Reggio Calabria

Operating Room Equipment

Operating Room Equipment

Our Technologies

Our expertise in the surgical field allows us to be able to set up operating blocks for important hospitals and private clinics where we supply operating tables, surgical instruments, operating lights, endoscopic and laparoscopic technologies, both rigid and flexible. In the field in electrosurgery we provide Argon, Holmium and Ultrasound laser techniques up to the most modern micro-surgery techniques. Thanks to the commercial relationships developed we are also able to operate in the field of design and construction of integrated "Turnkey" operating rooms, through synergies and cooperation obtained with renowned companies in the Surgical sector. Nel campo dell’elettrochirurgia disponiamo delle tecniche laser ad Argon, Olmio ed Ultrasuoni fino ad arrivare alle più moderne tecniche di micro-chirurgia.
Grazie ai rapporti commerciali maturati nel corso della nostra mission aziendale, riusciamo ad operare anche nel campo della progettazione e realizzazione di sale operatorie integrate “Chiavi in Mano”, attraverso sinergie e cooperazioni ottenute con blasonate società del settore Surgical.
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